Barcode Scanners
Vitesse de lecture incroyable de 400 scans/s pour cette douchette filaire codes barres 1D imageur linéaire Datalogic Quickscan QW2100. Le plus produit : le support est inclus !
The shower QD2430 from DATALOGIC is a combined 2 an interesting and a very competitive price: it can read the bar codes 1 d and 2D, on cell phone or loyalty cards.
This cradle Gryphon I cradle is in fact the docking station Datalogic Gryphon I GM 4100.
This reeling well made also detector of counterfeit notes.
The GBT4130 is a scanner bluetooth Mark linear imager DATALOGIC with a range of 30 m. This hand shower can read bar codes at a speed of 325 scans/s.
The 1100i is a presentation scanner for barcode 1 d or 2D. The advantage of this bar code reader brand DATALOGIC is essenttiellement its format: it is fairly small and fits the time easily on the workstation.
The shower QM2400 of DATALOGIC allows to read 2D barcodes at a very affordable price! Provided with the home station
The 2300H is a horizontal, omnidirectional, ideal body scanner for small shops. This DATALOGIC barcode scanner has a speed of reading of 100 scans/s
The 2300H is a horizontal, omnidirectional, ideal body scanner for small shops. This DATALOGIC barcode scanner has a speed of reading of 100 scans/s